the western bowl beyond guffer's gully
autumn cometh!
heading for the pub!
...or better quality here- http://www.vimeo.com/2094479
the western bowl beyond guffer's gully
autumn cometh!
heading for the pub!
...or better quality here- http://www.vimeo.com/2094479
Alan, t'Other Paul, Ray, Duke, Colin, Paul and a couple of unknowns set to with a variety of slope soaring devices. The brothers unknown launch and quickly land in one of the trees down in the gully...probably the only tree in a mile radius you can't climb!
Bizarre found object
Ray has trouble keeping it up too, so he and Paul head off down the hill for a retrieve. They stumble across a bizarre object what can it be?
attack of the giant caterpillar
Colin's had enough of this nonsense
these guys are experts, look at that kit!
The Epsom (or is it Esher?) chaps show up for Saturday morning, with their superb scratch build scalies and impeccable hill side code, the locals are put to shame. There's a veritable cornucopia of regulars, Steve, Ray, Roger, Duke, Paul, Mad Mick, Cat Weasel man, Trev, Vaughn, Eric, Mrs Eric, and new man from Sutton to name but a few.
Mick has a good sesh with the Easy Star with hi-def handicam on board, it's darn tricky getting those air to air shots.
Steve spot lands on a bull, man launches his 100" floater into 25 mph winds (very short flight), Ray lands his ricochet onto barb wire fence (it doesn't ricochet) Mick snaps wing of Easy Star with assistance from Paul. The sun prooves to be a p.i.a. as it's starting to sit lower in the sky now, but it's better than rain I suppose!
Eric turns up to deliver this month's copy of QFI
Mad Mick turns up to talk at us
several bonfires, each gives a different wind direction
who gives a stuff about share prices when you can be enjoying this!
The wind is a firm 15 to 20mph and there's a good spread on the patch. The lift's not blown out by the stronger conditions, and it's complimented by good thermic conditions. To top it all the sun is out and it's warm...hurrah!
cheer up Rog' you're future happiness is in south westerly winds, not the FTSE 100
ready to rip it up in an old skool stylie
What can I say, it's just glorious! However there are some incidents. Ray lands out.....way out round the back, we still haven't found it! The red floater isn't the best beast for the conditions, but gets away....and then 'arrives'.
Alan's new (to him) Storm is a good performer
Duke preps the ASWish, and ignores warnings about the all moving
(but double centering) tailplane
it so nearly made it back home, unfortunately the fence was 12 inches too high
(does anyone else think it looks like it's break dancing?)