12 July 2024

to be in England in the summer time

Summer 2024 will always be remembered as
such a lovely Thursday!


04 May 2024

carnage at King's

One still requires a good fix regardless of the weather, but as luck

would have it, the wind is always in the right direction down

at the King's school gym! 

blink too hard and it's destroyed!

luckily it comes in a sturdy, yet handy cigar box!

get your 3Ds ready!




hangin' at Hogwarts

keep your back against the wall...
unless you want an eyebrow trim courtesy of Charlie!

the usual suspects!

one misplaced fart and it'll
disappear into a cloud of balsa dust!
(remaining tissue takes care of the follow-through)

the tongues are out!

a beastly heavyweight by comparison!

until next time!

30 April 2024

we got out

It actually stopped raining the other day.... where better to enjoy the dry
nor-wester than on the mighty Long Man!

we set up the pits in the pit

the gentle breeze soon picked up to
a decent 15mph

...which brought the natives out of hiding too!

total amount of footage from the day

 spring is beginning to creep across the land
let's put in a request for good winds!

10 March 2024

light weights

February's finally over people... we've nearly made it through to spring time!
But the evenings are still dim and the weather is beyond shite, so where do
some of the regulars go to get their fix during such times.....?

24 December 2023

We've made it past the shortest day.... let's remember 6 months ago
with one eye on 6 months in the future!

long grass and good company

Mr F. shows us how it's done!

the sun doesn't get much more northwards than that!

the sub 250g class

and even on the 21st of June, the light must eventually fade

so it's time to illuminate the sky!


...until next time!

26 November 2023

May... he reign

8th May was a Monday Fly Day courtesy of King Charles

good turnout on the patch

This rare beast is a 'Flying Special'
An early mouldie that boasted modular construction.
That same model (with the aid of various differing parts)
could serve as anything from a slope racer, to a large
F3J style model. Unfortunately, at this stage in moulded
slope model design, it had not yet been discovered that
he with most toys wins.... a formula that instantly
made the one model modular format redundant!

fettling another vintage beauty

followed by some modern-day fettling

you can tell by the grin that the fettling paid off
I think we decided that this was a Graupner LS3

a cheeky bit of PSS action

always good to see a Luna being set free...
guess they're now also considered vintage items!

Martin's beauty of a scratch built scalie!

under the bonnet

more vintage harkening with wing tips
reminiscent of an Avicraft Spider Glider.

thanks for a lovely day Chuck,
don't forget to pick up your
snot rag when you're done!

23 October 2023

anyone on 2 point 4 ?

Did you know that (along with so many other of the simple pleasures in life) the frequency hopping technology

that has made our lives so much easier was invented by a woman?

Hedy Lamarr was a lass of many talents. Famous for her acting, she also filed the patent for 
FHSS in the early 40s as a means of deflecting torpedoes.

Back when women were just one of two known genders, and they didn't feel the need to cover themselves in tattoos, or fill themselves with gelatinous plastics, or cultivate eyebrows that look like they're made from shag pile carpet offcuts, her notoriety knew no bounds.

Along with being no stranger to onscreen nudity, she was also the first to depict the female orgasm in a non-pornographic movie.

I'm sure the seedier slopers out there would lustfully leer their wanton gratifications in Hedy's direction
(only to have their torpedoes deflected)
but I'd like to think that a new peal necklace delivered by hand would be thanks enough from me!