11 July 2009

grey but good

A jolly decent Saturday, it's a bit grey and some may say the lift is questionable but Goodwind thinks it good enough, so god bless slope soaring and all who partake in her!

the colour choice of summer's slope side chic

well......it's nearly 4 meters

a less senior moment for Alan

Gary- 'look there, behind that third cloud to the right is the meaning of life'
the others- 'ahhhh! now I am completeness, contentment and utter fulfillment!'
Ray- 'arse!'

milliseconds before going for a burton

why bother setting it up at home when you can fiddle
for hours on a cold, wet and windy hill side!

and after several millennia the egg did burst open
and out of it was born a creature endowed with
great skills of slope hunting, hat wearing and some other stuff too!

here's the symbiotic organism barrijim

'down a bit' thinks Jim
'right you are' thinks Barry

Simon kneels in praise of gyno-urinary infections

hmmmm nice fin to fuz junction Mr Smack

'go that way Candida!'


  1. Looks like a jolly time was had by all despite the leaden skies !
