Eric arrives at the hill to find low winds and a touch too much west. Not to worry he has the tool for the job; an electric floater with no more than 3 flights under its belt.
The bad news is this model's not packing a receiver, but fear not as the ever resourceful Paul has a spare one in his flight box. It's even got the correct Velcro 'polarity' for mounting in Eric's model, so all's good and off we go into the blue yonder.
off she goes
low pass
off to find a decent thermal and then up to speck height
What a lovely afternoon! The early autumn sun gives smooth buoyant air and, for a moment at least, we can forget that winter is close by.
All toys safely on the ground. The receiver is handed back to its rightful owner, at which point Paul fesses up with a thank you to Eric for testing his 23 year old piece of kit, which has been the prime suspect in several recent crashes !