There's been no let up in the sub zero conditions since Christmas, but as the week draws to a close the weathermen are predicting the high pressure will be shifting and thus giving way to our beloved southwesterly winds.
Saturday starts the change, but the ice up the lane is deadly! Paul makes it half way up gets can't even walk on this stuff!

The footwell mat provides the traction to get free, but after a walk to the top of the hill it's very southerly so he and Deryck decide Folkestone is a better bet.
Firstly we hit The Warren. Deryck's no namby pamby and chucks his model off the 300ft plus sheer drop without hesitation, there's no chance of landing out below and Deryck feels this is as good a chance as any to properly dial his East Glider in.

The south east wind shifts round further west, and after a successful BBQ these two chaps hit Crete Road. It's smooth and lifty for about half an hour, Mr Deryck practises hand catches, Paul tries his hand at landing on the end of his aerial.
Winds pulls round WNW so they try Crete Downs, but the wind's too far round. Oh well new territory has been explored, rotors tackled and sea air sniffed.
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