A rather magical session up at Wrotham
in honour of the longest day and the start of summer.
Eric makes sure he doesn't miss tonight's episode of 'Strictly Come Soaring'.
It's in there somewhere...
More arrivals at the patch as the sun begins to sink.
Mark leads the way with the mighty Nimbus, but
first he has to slide his head back onto his neck
and then revolve it through 180 degrees.
Like a boss.
We dream of evenings like this.
The lift eases off, and Mark heads over to the trees
to milk their gentle but consistent heat guffs.
Facial pubes indicate 1 m/s up
Eric's off to join the fun...
...and Joe pursues with on-board camera whilst (I thought I might add for the record)
adhering strictly to the BMFA FPV guidelines
What's this bursting from out of the sun?
It's Mark's 200% ASH 26 low over our heads!
Time to get rid of those pesky nettles....
More speed or leading edge razor blades required next time!
Eric provides us with two walks of shame....
...and an interesting tailplane configuration!
ahhhh the Pulsar at Wrotham!
It's like March 2012 all over again!!
We're warming up for some low passes....
Though this lot was consistently the lowest (and most annoying) of the evening
Looks as if the conditions are going to lend themselves well
to the Minimoa too...
in today's blog entry!
Low lift conditions bring out the obligatory Alula.
But the light beats us eventually.
And despite all being airborne for the last rays of the sun....
.....the time has come to land.
Mark takes this opportunity to attack the nettles at 76mph.
Nettles shrug off a 12kg scalie and live to sting another day.
Here comes winter!