27 March 2012

more than a week ago

Sadly, wind hasn't graced the hallowed turf for over a week now. A couple of keen stick twiddlers managed a quick session the Monday before last, but with a crossed wind and out of reach thermal activity, it's all jolly unsatisfactory!

shite hawks have a laugh at our expense

something pops up behind Eric...

we approach, but a heavily disguised Spiderman
snares the photographer, threatening Duke with the
same if he doesn't turn up his hearing aid and LISTEN!

 swopping hill side anecdotes    

at least one of us gets some air time

on the brink of high pressure dominance 

18 March 2012


Last Thursday gave us the highest temperatures of the year so far, but the wafty wind at Wrotham meant that electric assist was the order of the day. Luckily Gary had packed all the right equipment and made the most of his Invicta club membership privilege. 

07 March 2012

saturday's mixed bag

Saturday starts wet, misty and cold...perfect
conditions for the maiden of Steve's Scud

It's a success and after 35 years of flying balsa and
Solarfilm a new era begins for the Holly Hill Revivalists!

By 2ish the rain clears and there's a good turn out enjoying the ever
improving conditions

sleek and speedy Spit

a quick preflight tweak

nil landing bonus


foam cruising

pre-catch leap

what's that strange object in the sky?

what is that strange object in the sky?

they come in peace....

 or maybe just for a bit of apres-slope rotary activity

 some aerodynamic brute force following the elegance of an unpowered afternoon

and best of all, the toys go home unharmed

05 March 2012

last wednesday

A lovely afternoon of sun, floaters and spring thermals

blue sky and cumulus

4 metres of floaty loveliness

high tech meets old school

 off she goes

it could be a summer's day

cruising over

Les loves his Discus

"I'll be working from home today"


 good to see an Algebra in action