Good morning. We have a request directly from the BMFA's CEO, Dave Phipps.
Now that the BMFA has been granted a meeting with the new Aviation Minister, Baroness Vere of Norbiton, Dave has asked that the BMFA goes into the meeting knowing that all of our members have emailed Baroness Vere to air their concerns at the CAA's proposal.
The Baroness can be reached via - Baroness.Vere@dft.gov.uk
Please let her have your views about why you reject the proposal. Keep your emails polite but heartfelt, let's show the DfT exactly how the flying community feels and the impact the proposals will have.
Click on the links below for further information, the BMFA's thoughts on the proposal, and how to respond to the CAA's consultation. Please act now, do not put this off!
'United We Achieve'