Sad times.....the 'Hols' is no longer with us, and flying
opportunities have gone the same way. Let's reminisce with
some images from our recent past when all was different....
The vintage beauty in her final hours
hmmmm! balsa, fabric and sunlight; food for the soul.
The Hols and her maker, little did we know she would
soon meet her maker.....for good!
perhaps the pilot's lack of digital dexterity was to blame?
Alas we shall draw a veil over the ending and enjoy
her in completeness
meanwhile the birds have the right idea
and bugger off for the winter
we watch them with envy as dew forms on Solarfilm
Duke's not fussed, the long evenings mean more
opportunities for the most time consuming phase of
the build/crash/repair cycle
Back at the cars, Mark also has repairs on his mind.
However it turns out that the Ebay spray gun / compressor
bargain of the century's former life was in a tanning salon.
Come next season, all his scalies will be glowing
a healthy pastel shade of 'Tango' to aid visibility at altitude.