25 September 2012

chewing the cud

It's been a bit quiet round here of late, but last Thursday brought us the Autumn's first chilly session. For some reason nobody could fathom, more talking than flying was the order of the afternoon.

mowing the strip

Simon's recon' Fox......mmmmm Foxy!

 old pro cg finger tip test on a windy hill side

looks about right

but with so little wind we'll wait for another day

 paraglider and cow's arse

 cow nip

approach from their blind spot....


'did I hear / feel / smell something?'

top bird!

Jason's 21st birthday cake.......superb!

pro arrival!

Congrats to Eric on the maiden of his Typhoon! After over a year in gestation he was rewarded with a successful first flight of this rapid beastie and didn't even bother with flaps for the landing!

08 September 2012

blue bell evening

 the nine to five is done; it's time to live the dream!

 the hallowed turf has never seen so much moulded activity

 set your controls for the heart of the sun

lying in wait for a slope babe

ahhhhh firle!

Dave arrives with his gorgoeus ASG 29, the air was as
good as the sky suggests

the visitors get ready

bullet proof fail safe in Simon's Fox

taking a picture of Peter taking a picture

 pilot is focused on another task

he has wood

so does one of the passengers

extended tips for marginal conditions (15mph is marginal for this 18kg beastie)

Pete's 4m ASW diminutive by comparison

the pilot has some reading material for the journey

 the very issue that contains a review of his glider!

 and in case he gets lost, a map showing the way back to the mighty Thurnham

 ahh! a flying shot!

holly takes the pss

Lots of west at Holly so conditions are tricky. David from Rainham (we'll call him Dave to protect his identity) has produced another fine example of a PSS beastie. We persuade him to give it an airing so we can ooggle at its curvaceous lines.

minder says look but no touch

this hinge won't let go.......ever

questionable lift so we all run around making aeroplane noises

 until we finally persuade the other David to chuck off
spectators are poised in readiness for the out landing

 the walk of shame