Deryck's fore arm has withered and shrunk from being exposed to the raw easterly for no more than five minutes
Deryck's fore arm has withered and shrunk from being exposed to the raw easterly for no more than five minutes
sun, sky and stuff
oooh yes!
Deryck spends his remaining 1/2 day leave wisely and takes the opportunity to maiden the ebay purchase of the centuary...it's a winner!
Alan, Colin, Paul, Deryck, Taxi Driver, A.N.Other and Ray strut their aeronautical stuff in the dark December air today. No carnage to report, a successful maiden, and some jolly transmitter inflight switching takes place (who needs a buddy box!), but we're on the doorstep of the shortest day and there's a gloom that won't lift.
seriously......WTF is going on here?
It's a bit bumpy but the fair wind means we have a jolly good time, so how's the forecast shaping up for next Thursday?
Alan, Deryck says you might find this handy (do a right click and 'save as')
It's only about 3 weeks to the shortest day, so before we know it we'll be languishing in the clover and moaning about how hot it is.....bring it on Saint Slacker!
Deryck captures Paul launching, more here http://www.vimeo.com/2252930
Eventually it backs round to WNW but by then we're cold, hungry and ready to head home and rub those crusty trails from the outer corners of our eyes.
Until next time.....keeeeeeeeeeep sloping!
a short short from the past week...
many thanks to Deryck for the air to air footage
we are tyring to resolve the current lack of camera situation, normal service will be resumed as soon as possible, thank you for bearing with us...
Duke maidens his new floater